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In case you're wondering, that's me in the picture. Me at eighteen, actually, in Poland.  I posted this particular picture because I wanted to remind my students that, yes, us teachers really were teenagers once too!  And guess what?? I actually loved high school. I loved college, too. I love learning things.  School has downsides, no question.  But mostly, it's an experience that opens doors, gets us to think on a different level, challenges us to develop ourselves.  I will always be a student, even though my professional career is as a teacher.  I will always enjoy learning things, even if they aren't in my personal field of interest. Believe it or not, for most of my adult life I worked as a writer in the finance industry!  But teaching was always a goal I wanted to reach. One of the biggest factors in my decision to become a teacher is that I really, really think learning things (and being challenged to expand our view of things) is vital to our peronal happiness and success as people. 

Oh, and yes, I love to travel.  As a teenager and in my twenties I got to see communist countries in central and eastern europe, in my thirties I saw the middle-east and Africa.  And in my forties I still love packing a bag and venturing to places where I don't necessarily know the language, have to learn the customs, and am never totally sure what I'm eating.  Travel broadens us and allows us to savor all the incredible things our planet has to offer. One thing I've learned from traveling the world is that, despite what we see on the news, most people are incredibly kind, generous, helpful, and fascinating to talk to. I've made friends all over the world. So after you're done reading this, think about squirreling away a little extra cash and planning for an adventure of your own. You may find yourself in places we'll be learning about in my class!



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