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A message to ALL of Mr. P's students.

Welcome to my History class. If you have me, you are taking either a) US2 b) AP Euro c) Seminar. ALL STUDENTS must read the following:

1) You absolutely MUST have a filing and note-taking `system' for this class. Please invest in a notebook, files to keep hand-outs, and ALWAYS bring a pen to class. In fact, bring several pens. It amazes me how so many students just show up for class without pens, paper, anything. This is unacceptable. As the year unfolds you will be prepping yourselves for success in college and the adult world. Learning to take notes, and having a system to manage work are , important-- no, vital-- to this course, and will remain so until June.

2) Be prepared to engage in conversation that relates to controversial and often unpleasant subject matter. Sorry to say, but history is full of things we'd prefer not to examine. As thinking, educated adults we have a personal and collective responsibility to be informed and educated on subject matter relevent to our world. As we sit together to learn and discuss history, it is essential that we engage with respect, intelligence, and maturity.

3) Not all homework is graded. You will get homework-- lots of it. Sometimes it is collected, sometimes it isn't. Being prepared is essential. When you come to class, you will be expected to participate. If work is due, and you aren't prepared, you will not recieve credit.

4) Make appointments to discuss grades. Often students will ambush me at the beginning of class, asking what their grade is, or why it's low. I am more than happy to discuss your grade with you, but you must make an appointment to do it.

5) I hate late. It's a personal peeve of mine. I am notorious about being early for things. When people are late it sends a message, and it isn't a positive one. Being on time for things is a life skill you need to practice. We're all human... sometimes we're late because circumstances got in the way. I will turn a blind eye to it ONCE IN A WHILE. But if it's consistent, then we have a problem.

6) Lose the cell phone. Turn it off, put it away, engage in the present reality of things. When you're in my class, it's all about the class, not the cell. We've become a society that is not just dependent on cell phones, but totally enslaved by them. Break free. Turn it off.

7) Focus. When you enter my class, put what' going on outside of it AWAY. You are lucky. You have access to a public education that will prepare you for a competitive future. Seize the opportunity by focussing and engaging in the subject matter.

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